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■ German professional probiotic manufacturer

■ Suitable for children aged 0 ~ 2

■ Contains 3 kinds of probiotics specially selected for children, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium breve, Lactobacillus casei

■ Adding pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) helps maintain the normal metabolism of energy and improve the health of skin and mucous membranes

■ Add folic acid (vitamin M) to help the formation of red blood cells, nucleic acid and nucleoprotein, and help the normal development of children

And growth

■ No artificial additives, gluten, yeast and lactose

■ Use Belgian Intelicaps® microcapsule technology to prevent probiotics from being affected by gastric acid and allow living bacteria to colonize the intestines

■ Recommended dosage:

Less than 6 months: no more than six times a day. Mix the powder (about the tip of a spoon) with a small amount of liquid, then stir in a vial or paste food, and then feed.

After 6 months: Add measuring spoon (2g) twice a day. Mix the powder with a small amount of liquid, then stir in a vial or paste food, and then feed.

Pregnancy: Two scoops (2 grams) once a day.

德國專利多菌配方 益生菌 HLH Lactobact Baby Pulver (60 g) 萊德寶幼兒配方粉狀益生菌:0-2歲幼兒專用 x 2 瓶

NT$2,900 Regular Price
NT$2,650Sale Price
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