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The most magnesium content on the market. 7 kinds of organic magnesium forms with high bioavailability, well-tolerated magnesium compound capsule, 6 kinds of amino and fruit acid chelates, magnesium ascorbate (buffered vitamin C) and Sango coral 2:1, no additives, no genes Works, vegan.

Why is magnesium deficiency?

  • Increased pressure needs
  • Increased demand for exercise and high stress
  • Low-magnesium diet and poor soil (due to monocultures and pesticides) leading to insufficient intake
  • Poor absorption (due to high concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, fat, protein and alcohol, and lack of vitamin B1 and B6 in the body)
  • Increased alcohol intake leads to magnesium deficiency.
  • Medicinal magnesium deficiency (such as dehydrating tablets, antihypertensive drugs, such as ACE inhibitors, laxatives or cardiotonic drugs, even birth control pills, insulin, antibiotics or cortisone)
  • Increased demand for magnesium during pregnancy
  • 7 high-purity magnesium forms, each with its own complementary active ingredients, is the best full-spectrum active formula for nerves, muscles, bones, energy, brain and relaxation
  • Only highly compatible organic, high-quality magnesium form with high bioavailability:
    • Valuable fruit and amino acid form
    • Magnesium ascorbate (buffered vitamin C)
    • Natural Three Kingdoms Coral.

Suggested way of taking:

Take 2-3 capsules and 200 ml of liquid in segments every day.

It is recommended to take it in several parts throughout the day, because the intestinal mucosa can only absorb a limited amount of magnesium each time. The ideal time is the morning after waking up, before lunch or after exercise, and the bedtime in the evening, between half an hour before an empty stomach or a meal.


Magnesium malate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium gluconate, magnesium ascorbate, magnesium citrate (dimagnesium tricitrate), Sango coral powder (2:1 calcium magnesium), magnesium taurine, HPMC capsule shell.

Dietary Supplements

Magnesium form

Magnesium citrate (from citric acid, citric acid cycle), 98%

Magnesium malate (from malic acid, citric acid cycle), 98.28%

Magnesium gluconate (from fruit gluconic acid), 99.9%

Magnesium ascorbate (from vitamin C), 99, 9%

Magnesium taurine (from the amino acid taurine), 99.8%

Magnesium glycinate (from the amino acid glycine), 99.8%

Magnesium carbonate (from Sango coral 2:1), 100%

German Pharmaceutical Center Number (PZN)



According to HACCP, GMP/ISO 22000 2005 is manufactured and packaged in the EU, and the final product packaged in glass is stored in a special pollution-free container.


Vegetable cellulose (HPMC), vegan

High-quality HPMC: free of controversial carrageenan and PEG


Amber glass bottle, with light-proof and anti-oxidation effect (no plasticizer, BPA

德國SUNDAYNATURAL 全素 全方位 7種有機鎂 膠囊(120顆裝 x 2 瓶一組寄出)

NT$2,600 Regular Price
NT$2,400Sale Price

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