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Now the epidemic in Europe is serious
International mail is slow
Prices of goods and transportation have risen this year
The current shipping time is about 14-16 working days
If there is a delay in postal transportation,
Please be considerate of the hardship of the transport staff
德國Fuer-Dich 線上健康藥妝

C/D/E/K vitamins, essential for survival
Vitamins are organic compounds used by organisms for important functions. All vitamin compounds must be provided to the body every day. Vitamin C protects the genetic structure of our cells from oxidative damage.
By supporting the main defense against foreign substances, vitamin C is essential for the immune system.
Vitamin D controls calcium storage in bones and supports the development of the immune system and immune cells.
Vitamin E is mainly used for optimal blood clotting and blood circulation, and to fight inflammatory aging processes.
Vitamin K can ensure stable bone density until old age.
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